Beatbox & Sons

Beatboxing, a song lyric, and The McGuire Programme – a non-profit organisation which supports people who stutter – was the fascinating starting point for this print.

A range of artists and designers were invited to create a unique piece of artwork based around a song lyric of choice, using McGuire cyan blue, to be auctioned to raise money for the charity.

Our solution was a repetitive combination of written Beatbox notation and phonetics to create a typographic representation of the drum track in She Bangs The Drums by The Stone Roses. The design is arranged across a grid that aligns to a musical stave, the choice and arrangement of the wood type reflects the pitch the percussion. The print was finished with a single line lyrics overprinted across the ‘drum track’ in metal type with a rose ornament.


Edition of 10
550 x 350mm

14pt & 24pt Monotype Caslon 128
Various wood letter

Zerkall Mould Made paper

In progress: proofing type
In progress: wood type on press
The Stone Roses details
Stave sign off detail



Secret 7"


Types of brewery cask